My goal is to turn on the sensations. For me it is less important what's the way to reach this island wonderland. I can do it with ideas, I can do it with concrete art, with books, with the word, with the visual action or even with physical or mathematical formulas. All my work contains backgrounds which affecting ,in various areas of knowledge, different people. The artist will perceive something of my message, the mathematician something else and so on. I am aware of this and I exploit to leave my message and also make it interacts with other people's ideas and messages. The work which starts from the idea develops into a chain of new ideas and new areas of research. A continuous enrichment for my spirit and to the spirits with whom I interact. I have dedicated my life to this, since the beginning of this research. Science as the arts, pure thought as that applied are the ways that, interacting with each other, allow me to deepen and make manifest this paths of continuous research. Day by day, as a human being and as a free-thinker being.
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